Welcome to Happy Industries
Fish Brand Hand Tools Manufacturers and
Suppliers of Professional Quality Tools & Accessories for Carpenters, Mechanics, Welders and Fabricators
All Reputed Brand Tools Under One Roof
Wholesale and retail dealers in
Handtools : Fish Brand Carpentry Chisels, Taparia, Venus, Eastman, Pie, etc.
Powertools : Bosch, Hitachi, Black and Decker, Dongcheng, Dca, Yuri, etc.
Welding Equipments : Niko, Toshan, Sunrise, Max, LG, Fenweld, Aitco, Tiago, Best weld, Asha, Kashmira, etc.
Fabrication materials : Gate Hinges, Alldrops, Square and Round Plates, Design Flowers, Half cups, Shutter patti, Spring, H wheel, Handles, etc.
Machine tools and Cutting tools : Addison, Miranda, Totem, JK etc.
We assure our customers of the best quality of products on a very Reasonable prices so as to play a competative roll in the upcoming market. we believe in quality not quantity.
We are proud to serve our customers from last 55 years and with their continuous support we are moving forward for a more great and fruitful future.
With an experience of more than 50 years we have established a good reputation amongst our customers and we have a good marketing network base to ensure adequate supply of goods on a timely frame.
Social media
We have made easy for our Customers to get in touch with us on facebook page @happyindustriestools and on whatsapp for any info or quotation
Our Customers can view some of our products on Indiamart site, To get further details mail us or call us.
Help & Support
Our Backhand sales team is always Active to support regarding product information and product delivery.
Few of our Reputed & worthy customers for more than 50 years

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we will provide you with the best quality products available in the market with the best reasonble price.